Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



March 29, 1944 e.v.



Dear Karl:




The enclosed is Jack's [Jack Parsons] contribution for March. He gave me this but recently, and asked that I send it to you. In the present set-up there will be no doubt about contributions going forward; and I see no reason why it should make any difference in the amount Jack sends: He told me $50 the month of February: $15 now because of income tax.


My living in Hollywood, with restricted gas, will not be convenient. Helen [Helen Parsons] could be more suitable for the Secretary-Treasurer if Jack would use her. I did not want the job; habit constrained me, and Jack said he would close up again if people did not support him.


I have not been asked to move back to Pasadena, but in any event I shall remain in Hollywood. I have things to work out; fragments of strange and subtle nature, which are slowly seeping through—and resultant equilibrium to a degree. Something I usually lacked—if, indeed not always—and this should have a bearing on my physical state, not too good at present. The sins off omission and commission have overtaken me.


Aleister has not seen fit to answer my somewhat lengthy letter of January 15 re S.T. and Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. I assume he received it. But I do wish he had answered about Phyllis. She has just had returned to her a letter written Aleister by her, and addressed to 93 Jermyn. Is the AA in abeyance? Phyllis is First Degree O.T.O. and could, of course, carry on her studies; but her imagination was stirred by it at Winona when Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] was signing probationers, etc. Let me know about this, will you?


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