Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn St




7/4/44 e.v.



Dear Louis


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Just got a letter from [Karl Germer]. Jack [Jack Parsons] seems a complete idiot. His idea of starting fresh—to repeat all the old blunders!


I should have thought a half-witted Hottentot baby would have known better than to keep on 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]. The place is defiled for years to come: [illegible] slime trails all over it.


Nor do I want them to start big with all sorts of senseless expenses. Do ram it home that the first duty is to keep the monthly transfer full and punctual. While they have been squabbling, I have been building up steadily assets; also prestige, goodwill, and credit. If for any reason 93 [93 Jermyn Street] went west, all this—which now amounts to a really substantial achievement—would be wasted. All the materials for my future work would be dispersed: it would really be simpler, and kinder, to shoot me!


Please try to get all this into Jack's skull by the speediest means. If there is another lapse on April 16 only a miracle can save the show. Just as victory is in sight!


I found a quiet place at last, and go there to-morrow for a few days. If I find I can work there, good.


Love is the law, love under will.







Lieut Grady L. McMurtry

1475th OrdMM Co (Avn) (Q)

A.P.O. 638

U.S. Army


