Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Louis Wilkinson Grove Heart Ripley Surrey
23 Apr. 44
Clinton Bucks.
My dear Louis
So what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Annoyed was I and wroth when an unsigned "Engagement cancelled" fell on my ears—just those two words. I thought it rather brusque, and suspect that the message got somehow muddled, especially as the name was given as Groamelly. Not the Louis I know, quoth I. Well, whatever went wrong, your letter was waiting for me when I dashed up to 93 [93 Jermyn Street]. I am infinitely sorry that you had to change our plans: It would have made this holiday quite perfect. Having no one to talk to is boring: I suppose you know that as well as anybody, wandering as you do in such wild parts. Or have you friends everywhere? Or are you a natural "mixer"? I'm keeping away from London for a long while yet; but my exhaustion is slow to depart, although the nerves are O.K. A letter like this is a serious effort, and what's worse, always leaves me dissatisfied. I feel I'm forcing myself. Usually I enjoy scribbling soft nothings. An astonishing thing has come my way; when you see me next, say 'Bayley', and I'll a tale unfold.
Love is the law, love under will.