Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Bell Hotel [Bell Inn] Aston Clinton Bucks
Dear Gerald,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Prospectus at last! Those getting more than one copy [of The Book of Thoth] have one specially bound—1/2 Morocco instead of 1/4 (Full N[o] G[ood] can't get skins big enough) be a wise virgin!
This place is working miracles, lifting me out of the dull sanity to which London had ground me down. So here's a lovely lunatic's idea—send the prospectuses by Registered Post! sealed with best wax and signet. If only I had a drink, I should enclose stamped addressed registered envelopes for victims to enclose cash. (That would cost only another £5 or so; but is it good policy? Tricky: what's your advice?)
Love to Angela, Johnny, Vincent, Michael. . . .—I feel like Macbeth watching Bagmio's cavalcade! What! will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever.