Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Louis Wilkinson

Grove Heart





1 May 44



'Bell' [Bell Inn]



Dear Louis


So what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Glad to have yours of the 29th ulto. Of course. That was a verbal report from Louis; so he didn't know who sent it, or how! Came back later and said 'Yes, that was from Mr. Wilkinson'. The P.O. [Post Office] sent no confirmation as they had always done before, whether so requested or not. Blast 'em all! But perhaps your "Aid to young Spellers" got the girl all Freudian! Glad play's getting near its first night—may I read it first? Strength coming back slowly; beginning to feel impulse to walk in Spring woods and do Io Can mantra. Prospectuses at last! Will send you one next week. Am avoiding London: hope to get visits down to one dash per mensem. Tuesday or Thursday, if at all. Much love, but fagged and in a hurry for no reason.


Love is the law, love under will.






