Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edward Noel Fitzgerald
Aston Clinton.
May 6 1944.
My dear Noel,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
No news yet of your threatened visit to London "after Easter". As for me, a bomb damaged 93 [93 Jermyn St], and caused enormous diversion of traffic through Jermyn St, making work quite impossible. When it eased off, U.S.A. & Kanuck drunks carried on; when they too stopped, as like as not another raid kept the pot boiling. So I lit out for 'fresh woods and pastures new' with A.1. food and friendliness. So with luck I can be hereabouts all summer.
Sample copy [of The Book of Thoth], bound, came yesterday; the volume is really superb. I am repaid a thousand times for all the toil and trouble of these 45 years. Quite a few copies have been sold even before the prospectus has gone out; I'm sending yours out of turn, as I shouldn't like you to miss it. Still be glad to hear of your news.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever,
P.S. We have to pay a whole lot that we thought had been paid—and at once. So if you can dig up say £5 on the nail, you shall have a very early copy, and the superior binding. Cost 26/6!