Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow
Aston Clinton Bucks
May 18. [1944]
Dear and Reverend Brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The rush with this prospectus, final proofs, binding, etc, with some ill health have all combined to deter me from writing to you.
Besides, I had too much to say! Especially about one or two of the correspondences in that excellent series of pamphlets. One or two diplodocus bones to pick!
Here's a proposal. I expect to be here—it's doing wonders for my health, nerves, energy; why not run across—excellent 'bus service, I fancy: Wetford, Truing, stop 4 miles before Aylesbury—and lunch with me the first Friday you can spare? Food here A.1. and the people real friends.
This is the best chance of getting together in this [illegible]. London—pah! nobody is natural. Telephone Aston Clinton 4: if you can, the day previous. But do come!
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. I hope you will jump in with both feet at the Book, and get an 'early' copy with special inscription. It will help me a lot if you do this direct. A.C. (and directly!)