Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
Aston Clinton Bucks
May 22 [1944]
Dear Louis,
"Weary, weary, saith the scribe." Great Jumping Jehoshaphat! I am buried in letters. No help, of course: so I just keep on shoving.
I never get to London now; so please
send the 20 M.O. [Money Order] to
Aylesbury P.O. [Post Office] on the
1st. Your very special copy of
We struck a totally unexpected iceberg, and I can't tell for a day or two whether the good ship will not flounder; but bar that, all is smooth sailing save for harbour dues. Excuse my poetic frenzy, but out here, one feels metaphors—often mixed—flowering in the woodland wild.
Any chance of seeing you? I have been hoping for a letter for weeks. I am particularly anxious to know what you have of books and MSS.
M.A. Sutherland [Maurice A. Sutherland] 10 Normand Mansions London W.14 is screaming to have his Lasker [Chess book] back. Be a lamb, and send it to him direct.
Lots to write, but time, energy, memory combine to break me off here.
93 93/93
Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry 1814th Ord S&M Co. (Avn) A.P.O. 149 U.S. Army