Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley






APO 149, U.S. Army




[undated: circa 20 June 1944]





By the heading you will note that my tour of the world at the Army's expense is progressing apace. Unfortunately I know no one [in] France to whom I can go for a good game of chess or who can improve my way of thinking like I did when I came to England. Perhaps you can help me out with names and addresses of people who may or may not be around when we have taken over the rest of this fair country.


Did you receive my money order as of the 3rd June? I sent it to your present address. If not let me know as soon as possible. Incidentaly [sic] how many $80 payments have you received on the fifty letters anyway? I've lost all count although I retain the stubs of a number of payments. Also there is a question that I asked some time ago about what proof there was that you were the author of the V sign. I am very interested in this as it has such widespread practical implications. Please try to answer these two questions in your next letter.


I sent Sutherland's Lasker to him while I was still in England. Hope he received it in good condition. Would still like to have one. Maybe he could pick me up a copy of "The Pleasure Palace of Kubla Khan"—something I would very much like to have. I don't suppose my copy of the Tarot is ready yet but you can send it along as soon as it is as we are getting our mail regularly over here. Have the finance difficulties in the Tarot resolved themselves yet? I hope so.


Received a letter from Jack [Jack Parsons] just before I left. He is unhappy about the Lodge [Agape Lodge]—says that "I am a little sour on the O.T.O. inasmuch as by experience I doubt the value of membership coming in except via previous experience and individual training of the AA sort. It seems to me the early grades (which are all we have here) are too free in admitting non-descripts and too lax in that they do not provide a definite program of training and qualifications. The better people I have met always seem to come via an interest in AA aspects. I think we need some A.B.C.'s of organization, a handbook for prospects, and new members and above all for poor benighted lodge—heads like myself." I told him about the fifty letters [Magick Without Tears] as a handbook for prospects. Unfortunately he also went into some terrible drivel about—should I visit Brittany—to "watch by moonlight for Dahut, the Shadow Queen, that Malgven called the Star of Death, listen for the bells of Ya, and the Druid whispering Mananann! O Mananann!" At least it looks like drivel to me. I know that witchcraft is all very interesting and has its place etc but to go into it to the detriment of the work as a whole seems such a waste of time and talent. After all it is only a small part of the task. Perhaps when Jack receives his Tarot [The Book of Thoth] he will find its proper relation.


Well night is coming on and I must crawl back into my hole in the ground. Wish I could tell you what is going on over here but until I see you will have to let you rely on the papers.


Au revoir!


