Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
22 June 1944
. . . About the blocks [for The Book of Thoth]—they are not mine. I borrowed £100 on the understanding that the blocks would belong to the borrower. The other one is the property of Robin Cecil. Four of them are mine and were made by the Sun Engraving Company and paid for by me. I gave you the black and white ones. There is a possibility the De La Rue will do a pack and I don't want to lose all my money by giving you the colour blocks. I am already £200 down and am not given one copy of the book [The Book of Thoth].
I do not want to stop work but if you would like another artist to redo it for you I should be glad and will send you any notes I can find. If you can assure me the blocks will be returned to me by Mr. Germer [Karl Germer], I don't want to stop the American issue of your Volume of course I don't, but I must have the permission of the present owners. But why did you order them to be sent to America without telling me?
As far as the missing pictures are concerned I am sorry for him or her. I have frequently told you that the care of those pictures in an unbroken series has been given to me and is my responsibility and if you really know where they are you must tell me—Aleister my dear, why do you treat me like this. I have not attempted to defraud you of money, fame or friendship. You are so suspicious—When I say I am responsible for the series of pictures I do mean that disaster will fall on anyone who breaks them up and that is why I am doubly anxious to keep them secure. . . .