Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer & Sascha Germer





Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




27-6-44 e.v.



Dear Karl and Sascha,


Here at last are the cards! The 8 sets of blocks required to reproduce them for the American edition [of The Book of Thoth] are being sent to you by sea. You can therefore go straight ahead as soon as you can find a publisher. Do be careful to pick a man of first-rate reputation; and it might be wise to let me see the contract before you sign it.


There has been delay with the binding. The sample copy was n.[o] g.[ood] and I had to have 2 new tools cut. One of these was done wrong. Then, just as I expected delivery, the "robot" bombs unhoused some of their staff; so now I am hoping for July 8. Out of the question to send by air, of course; the book weighs 3 lbs. But I shall send you copies, inscribed in some cases as they come in. Possibly 2 for Washington D.C. Use your judgment.


Cards: will send you a few sets by sea, and you can distribute as you see fir. I'm sending Jane [Jane Wolfe] a set by this mail (air) and 2 or 3 sets by sea.


Lots of love, and I hope your holiday will do you both no end of good.


Ever yours,




