Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry





Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




June 30, ’44 e.v.



Dear Louis,


93. I can’t tell you how glad I was to hear from you this A.M. I was, naturally, anxious to know that you were safely across. (For sure, here we are beyond the range of the ‘robots’, I’m told.


I answer you in haste; I want to hear from you often.


All my papers locked away at 93 [93 Jermyn Street], which I’ve sublet. Lucky! it makes my holiday of work much safer, but the need is very great; I’ve squared printer and binder, but only just. N.Y. transfer last month very poor: Jack [Jack Parsons] seems to have dropped out completely. The swine Smith [Wilfred T. Smith] still works infinite mischief. Without papers, can’t be sure; but I think two more goes (July & August) make up the first quarter. I have now a comprehensive plan to square everything, which I’ll explain at more leisure.


The V-sign. In your “Magick” is a paper of illustrations of me (in hooded robe) giving the signs. It is marked in plain figures “The V-sign”. This was ’28 or ’29; but the page was reproduced from the Equinox Vol I No.2 (Sept 1909). That should suffice.


Sutherland got Lasher back (Yesterday a bomb killed Vere Menchick—woman chess champion of world & my star victim. I beat her by a 10 move combination; the 1st two moves looked like plain idiocy!


In Paris was the Cafe de la Repence, a pavilion in the Palais Royal, a left-Bable place opposite Sorbonne called Ludo, and innumerable cafes.


“Kubla Khan”: do you mean Coleridge’s poem? If so, can send.


I agree about Jack’s letter


Herewith 7 Tarot cards — may they inspire you!


I enclose copy of La Gauloise or L’Etiucelle—whichever you like. I want this copied, printed, sung everywhere. You couldn’t help the work more than by getting this accepted as the National Song. The Maise is shop soiled. This is new: a French song, English singer, American composer. Will send you copy of Roy's [Roy Leffingwell] music in a week or so.


93     93/93


Best of luck, see you soon!





Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry

1475th Ord MM Co (Avn) (Q)

A.P.O. 149 U.S. Army



