Meeting Minutes
July 1 1944.
AGAPE Lodge convened at 8.30 p.m. SALADIN: Bro. Parsons [Jack Parsons] GUARD: Bro. Canright [Richard Canright].
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Reciting of Liber Oz.
Saladin notified us of the illness of Sister Jane Wolfe, and temporarily appointed Sister Barbara Canright to the position of Secretary as far as keeping the minutes, and sister Betty Northrup to write certain letters which shall be necessary.
Saladin then read to members a letter from 666, reporting his approval of the meetings being held but condemning the Oriflamme as futile.
Plans were continued for the issuance of a brochure for the O.T.O. presenting a general stand on issues of national and international importance to appeal to the layman.
A letter from Brother Grady McMurtry was read in which he reported that he is now in France, and is working on a paper on the future of the Order when circumstances permit.
Brother Joe Miller sent his regards, as did Brother Germer [Karl Germer].
Saladin assigned to the members a group of readings as a guide to further study, and read to them the introduction from William Bolitho's "Twelve Against the Gods."
Reciting of the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church.
Love is the law, love under will.
Barbara Canright (per J.W. [Jane Wolfe]) Acting Secretary