Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry





Bell Inn

Aston Clinton,





July 6 [1944]



Dear Louis


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


This morning I rejoiced to get a letter from you, but was more than somewhat surprised to find that it consisted of an interminable diatribe, in your best scholarian style, scolding me about Technocracy, and some appallingly bad verses, entitled "Convoy-rolling". So I looked again, and saw it was dated April 28. My giant brain, with one last gurgle, burst into shreds; I dug the envelope out of the salvage, and found no postmark; the stamp was not even cancelled. So I win 2 1/2? But ? ? ? ? ? ?


This place, I find, is not as far from some other places as one could wish. Today has been quite lively.


I have been inquiring what post [illegible] seems that there is no telegraphic service; this, I hope, is the reason of my not hearing from you some days ago. [Awkward, too; I paid my bill here to-day, and it left me with 5/9!] But there would have been joy to know that you were alive and active. If you get a 'Blighty' wound, come here, and I'll nurse you.


There seems no difficulty about parcels. I hope to have your copy here this week-end, and it shall be the first that I dispatch.


There is no special news; Frieda Harris is having one of her periodical fits of egomaniac insanity, and making all the mischief she can. I have sent you some "La Gauloise" to distribute; I hope you will make good use of them—oh what "merit" you will make if you get it going in good time. Bastille Day is the 14th! I hope you'll make it with an outsize Victory. Herewith a set of the 7 cards so far reproduced; you should use them to much Talismanic purpose.


Well, here's all the best!


Love is the law, love under will







Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry o-1514983

1475th Ord MM Co (AVN) (Q)

A.P.O. 149 U.S. Army



