Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




Jour de la Bastille

[14 July] ’44 e.v.



My dear Louis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of July 4 relieved me greatly; I had feared that non-arrival of $ implied your incapacity. I too am safe so far, though not out of range.


You were the first subscriber, and your copy [of The Book of Thoth]—one of the specially bound, honoris causa—is the first to be sent out. It awaits only some one to take it to the post.


Why send via Jack [Jack Parsons]—why not via Karl [Karl Germer]. So much nearer. I’m not in any need of it this instant, in any case. My credit is O.K. here, & I am going to give up 93 [93 Jermyn St]. Am now looking for a big house to start an Abbey of Thelema—several people are willing to come in.


I wrote to you some time back, also sent some copies of La Gauloise—I hope to-day will hear it sung by lots of its own people in its own country!


No special news—all seems going well enough all round.


Best of all to you! I chose No. X Jupiter to bring you luck.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever.





Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry

1475th Ord M M Co. (AVN) (Q)

A.P.O. 149

U.S. Army



