Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland





Bell Inn

Aston, Clinton




July 15 [1944]



Cor Cordelia!


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I think that “Vision of Mess” Hex[agram] must sometimes mean “[illegible] i.e. everything all buggered up!


Yesterday everything (except Miss M.) straightened itself. This A.M. I asked a special question “Shall I evacuate 93 [93 Jermyn St]?”


Answer: [I Ching] Hex[agram] VI. Sung. Line 2 reads: “If he retire and keep concealed where the inhabitants of his valley are only 300 families, he will fall into no mistake”.


Oracles have been accused always of ambiguity and obscurity; this time—


I wonder—(interruption (a) nurse to pack books (b) this A.M. to manage (c) mail (d) room-cleaners (e) more mail (f) girl’s dad to go-fetch books? (g) 5 min rest-cure!) how long it will take you to realize that I’m not such a perfect B.[loody] F.[ool] as I look—especially with the chimpanzee face—fungus—and that I am working steadily and seriously at a real science. Coincidence may be stretched a long way, but if you go to Marylebone every afternoon at 3.30 and there is always a train starting for Ayesbury, you may quite reasonably expect that it’s not pure chance.



I had lots and lots to say and the interruptions have driven everything out of my mind!


Love is the law, love under will.






