Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
Aston Clinton, Bucks
Aug 1 [1944]
Dear Louis,
Yours of 27th to hand this A.M. The tune is quite original. I don't know enough about music to say if it "in anyway resembles". But it is within the compass of a single octave so that any fool can sing it, and pick it up in a minute.
———Writing this made me furious that I hadn't had a copy made for you—and then I looked around and found I had one, in the last lot of bits and pieces that came out from 93 [93 Jermyn St]! So I send it under separate cover.
Nothing from Jack [Jack Parsons]. Perhaps he sent it to and it will come with his cable on the 16th.
Talking of cash, you ought to be in a good position at the "Peace Table" when I die, as an IX° who has paid his dues in full. I'll fix this for you, and let you have figures etc in a few days—I'm rushed to hell—and if you approve, I'll send the knowledge and receipts etc so as to have all fair and square.
Do write often, even if you have nix to spill; it tell me you are O.K.
93 93/93
Yours ever
Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry 1475th Ord MM Co (Avn) (Q) A.P.O. 149 c/o P.M. U.S. Army