Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland





Bell Inn

Aston, Clinton




Aug 23 [1944]



Hateful Crrrrrreature!


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I can hardly bring myself to address on so despicable, so loathsome and abhorrent to all right-thinking people.


Five times within my knowledge—and I can’t tell how many times more behind my back!—in the last 6 months or so, you have been on the sick list; not just a cold or a headache, but [illegible] and quite serious throat trouble.


It won’t do!


This is Ma Nature trying to get rid of your toxins. You must have fresh air and food while working on your mind with Marshall’s attack in the Siciilian and the Boden-Kieseritzsky gambit for a month at least, or you’ll have a real breakdown. You have just got to clean up—and do it while the weather is fairly good and the days not too short. All that stuff about Fire-walking, and dragging these mangled corpses around Marylebone is what Frances Ridley Havergal (or was it James Greenleaf Whittier?) calls “fiddlesticks, blah, baloney, Bull-shit, and the bunk!”


I mean this.


Love is the law, lover under will.


Yours, very anxious about you,




