Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow




Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




Aug 27. [1944]



Dear Brother and Right Reverend Father in God,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Excuse delay in answering yours; at such new departures one ought to prepare with much care and forethought.


I have altered hardly anything in your proof; but you must pay great attention to form and style. It won't do to look cheap in approaching people for large sums. And the kind that go without a meal for a week in order to dig up a pound, although most valuable of any from the spiritual standpoint, are more trouble than they are worth in practice. They will join in any case; and the others must not be put off by cheap paper and printing. It is by the way easier just now to buy the very best classes of paper than ordinary junk.


I have written my stationers to send you the die when they have used it.


Love is the law, love under will,


With kind regards to yourself and colleagues,




Aleister Crowley.


I should be glad to see a second proof on good paper with the stamp on it.


Please! can you get your printer to do some work for me? A.C.


