Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




[Undated: circa September 1944?]



So glad to hear from you at last, and to know that the cards reached you safely. Best of all, that you like them so much! Believe me, it was a young epic in itself, getting them out.


A copy of the Book of Thoth is on its way to you by sea. I sent one also to Max [Max Schneider]. J.W.P. [Jack Parsons] has not written for months; 'till he does, I can do nothing.


G.L. McMurtry [Grady McMurtry] sent him $80 to send on to me. That was about July 2nd. No news of it so far. Will you enquire, as you're more or less on the spot? And try to straighten things out generally.


When the Book of Thoth arrives on the Coast, perhaps these idiots will realize who has the goods, and who has not (It has made an astounding impression here; seems in some. obscure way, to have put me on the map.)


I had to steal the time to write this; my work is weighing me down. Had another bad typist for 2 hours a day for a fortnight, it helped a bit. Now I'm alone again, and worse than ever. The new book positively frightens me; the responsibility is bloody awful. I have to make up my mind about all sorts of questions that I have been inclined to dodge, and to put it in black and white.




Love—I rejoice that you seem so well."


