Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Sept 2 1944



Bell Inn Aston



Over head in mud of starting to revise A E E [Aleister Explains Everything aka Magick without Tears]. Thanks for P.C. [Post Card]. Will await Mrs. G.M.’s letter. Perhaps she will help me—I’m drawing up a 50,000 year plan to civilize the U.S.A.


Cold keeps on running and returning like a lot of bloody cherubi. Weather here amazing, even to me! Sun broils, bitter wind blows, it drizzles, it clears, it pours, it is stagnation muggy—all in the course of a couple of hours. Longing to see you again and renew combat. Can’t settle to finish that famous letter—have you done aught about my Modern Poems? Must break off and watch for a 5 minute break to post this.


Yours ever





[Written on back of envelope]

“And now thunder on way to post!”


