Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




Sept 11 [1944]



Dear Louis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Glad was my heart when your chit of Aug 28 came this morning. I was going to write to-day in any case, having got a little anxious about you. I'm very glad you have got the book. You will find it very useful: the one important thing for students is to have a coherent organized pattern of the Universe. Every item has got to fit in with a click. The failure to do this as a foundation is responsible for the mess of such affairs as Toshophy [Theosophy]. Next time you pick up a "Secret Doctrine" or almost any other book, you will be revolted and bewildered by the shapeless tangle they have made of it. Like a mob or a defeated army—all is confusion. In our system, every step is logically necessary. When it comes to your turn to teach, you will realize that without method and order one gets nowhere. The subject is too vast to be treated otherwise.


I am very happy about your success with La Gauloise. When you get to first class places, you can try to find a man or woman who has already some sort of a name, but young enough to be full of ambition, who will see the point of making it their own—a sort of 'signature' song. It’s a large point of publicity, like Stalin's pipe and Churchill's cigar.


Surely the music bloke will write you about the reception; if not, can't you ask him? By the way, you might also try it out in odd cafés; I want the people to take it to their hearts. Get them all to join in.


I'll send you a Kubla Khan; it may take a few days; probably I shall have to send a complete Coleridge which is a bore. He only wrote 3 things worth reading.


No news here. Always for 14 days or so before Eq[uino]x the solar current seems exhausted. Wait till the 23rd and the new Word [Word of the Equinox]!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever





Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry

1814th Ord S&M Co. (Avn)

A.P.O. 149

U.S. Army


