Correspondence from David Curwen to Aleister Crowley




136 Marylebone Road

London NW1



Sept 11th 1944



Aleister Crowley Esq.,

The Bell Inn, Aston,





Dear Sir:


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" could be; but in effect it would mean that millions must turn their backs on all the obligations, and duties they are bound to, to see fruition of their heartfelt desires. And those thousands of poor wretches burned to death at Lublin, for instance were in no position to choose a life in which they had even the choice of remaining slaves rather than be done to death. So it is with us all. We are mostly all slaves to Karma. What good then to reiterate the first words of this letter?


You suggest in your letter for which I thank you that a most annoying thing has happened. Rather than say an extraordinary thing. For years I have been making up my mind to get in touch with you, but a certain reluctance for which I can give no explanation has always deterred me. Then when at last I write to you, you accidentally lose my letter. It were as if it was one of those things that was not to be. Nevertheless I will repeat my letter, that was lost.


First allow me to say that I am glad that you are better of your illness, and I hope fully recovered. Sometimes I feel I know you, I have read so much of your writings. I flatter myself that I can now follow your train of thought quite easily, but it was not so for years, and I did think then you wrote a lot of nonsense. I think I have read most of the books you have published, that is, all except the poetry. I have little patience to dig knowledge out of that. I find it hard enough to make sense of the prose.


I am just over fifty years of age, and for thirty years have studied, delved and probed into every school of occultism. Being able to read Hebrew, I can follow your Quabbalistic theories fairly well. I once had a teacher for six years, a Hindu. I never saw him in the flesh, but have a picture of him. He claimed to be a friend of your teached at Madura, India. He began to teach me the Bhairavi Diksha. (Do you know what that is?). You see I an mot quite a beginner. I have always been a lone wolf, sort of, in occultism, and dabbled here and dabbled there, without having much to boast about. My dearest wish is to see a Magical Ritual carried out. I fear to rush in and do things without a guide, although it is high time I received some recompense for thirty years of searching. And this is what I am on about. Do you teach any more? I want someone to show me practical magical [sic]. When I read this it does sound abrupt. I have had a surfeit of theory, and feel I deserve better for all my years of labour. I have actually read thousands of occult books. Can you help?


I have your Book of Thoth. Along with your Equinox 8, it is quite easily followed. But where are the car packs that should have been printed at the same time? Can you get the Chiswick Press to do some, [since] you have the blocks? Whatever the cost will be, I am quite prepared to pay within moderation. My number of your book is 56, how do you like that? You know best the interpretation.


I dare say, in your time, you have had thousands of people write you the above sort of thing, and knowing along what lines you think, I do not expect very much, as you must be getting a bit tired of humanity in general. So that I was pleased to get your note although [it was] disappointing. I would like a chat with you when you are in town again. Most of the booksellers seem to look upon you as some kind of ogre, but I am not a bit nervous of that. The terrific amount you have written only tells me you are wonderful.


The questions I would like you to be good enough to answer me are:


1. Can you get me the Tarot pictures printed either on cards, or in plates exactly as stuck into The Book of Thoth? I want to get a pack somehow without which the book is of little practical use. Naturally I want to try them out.


2. Do you run a School of Occultism any more, and if so how can I join? If not, would you undertake to teach me? I want particularly to watch an important Magical Ritual carried out. If there is danger in inexperience, and I feel sure there is, I want a guide.


3. Please tell me, from what cards of the Tarot does one choose the significator and how? Am I right in saying, it is from the Court Cards? Or is it the Trumps?


4. Please make clear what you mean by "Count the cards from him in the direction in which he faces" (This of course is quite clear and simple) but what exactly is meant by the following:


Does this mean, count off from the pack you have in your hand, any four cards as they come thus:





11 and so on.


And what is the meaning of "For small cards, count according to No." What number do you mean?


5. "Pair the cards on either side of the Significator." Do you refer to the cards or the person? If the cards, what if the significator comes out on the end of a line, how are you going to pair them?


6. In the 1st. Operation, what if the pack is too small to count off more than a line or two, what does one do then?


7. More questions. Have you done a Yi-King? I have the book by James Legge. Where can I find the instructions for trying this system out? I believe ivory sticks are used, where can I get them? I am afraid I have not yet studied the Yi-King very closely yet, so may have missed a page where instructions are given, if any are given at all.


Well, I hope all these questions will not burden you too much, and I would consider it a favour on your part to have your replies to them.


Incidentally, "The Order of Hidden Masters" has not disappeared. They are very much alive. I am not one of them (Ah! Ah!) I am not connected in any way with any occult Order or School whatsoever, but I know they are in existence, and send lectures out every week to thousands of students by whom they are highly respected and even reverenced. You know, that was a mistake spoiling page seven of The Book of Thoth by your footnote, as I have already had it pointed out to me and that I may join them if I wish.


Well, I have no right to be talking so much to a man who has long ago forgotten more than I ever knew.


So, thanking you in anticipation, and with best wishes.


I remain,


Yours Sincerely,


David Curwen


P.S. Love IS the Law, Love under will.


(I agree with this.)


