Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow
Aston Clinton Bucks
Sept. 14 [1944]
Dear Brother and R.R.F. [Right Reverend Father] in G[od],
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter of the 12th distressed me much; I fear that there is nothing at all that I can do. I have had no relations with the scientific set for many years; and most of my old friends have died off.
Of course, to do what you propose, you should have an adequate assured income without having to work for it. [Father] Newman writes as if you had a number of wealthy supporters. One (or some clubbed together) ought to guarantee you say £50 a month so as to enable you to give your whole time to the Work.
You might of course start afresh; begin by open-air preachings of Liber OZ; you might find supporters in unexpected quarters, the work and opportunity would grow; in a year you might be standing for Parliament.
But don't be a bishop unless you can look like a bishop; otherwise people laugh at you, and your real value is obscured.
This is about all I can say to help.
You have not answered my urgent request for a printer—please do!
Love is the law, love under will,
Yours fraternally,
For Dr. Crow.
P.S. to your (4)
This kept me busy on this afternoon's meditation-walk.
We mustn't forget "monsters": hydrocephalics, idiots [illegible].
We must not assume than anything is more or less human shape is a "man" or "woman" in the sense of AL I. 3. But then (as always in biology) where is the line? And who is to decide?
There are plenty of demons that have managed to get hold of a human "instrument" sometimes by expelling the rightful tenant.
And this [illegible] with elementals who have got a human form for the first time.
In my own case, there was a period when I made 8 "boss shots", one on top of the other, before I got an instrument adequate to my True Will.
All such questions are extremely difficult; perhaps no answer would be satisfying, or even possible.
And I think very rigourously that such speculations are rather useless, and very dangerous; they tend to draw one away from the G.W. [Great Work].