Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland
Aston Clinton
Sept 15 [1944]
Best and baddest!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your absence hurts so much that I try not to think about it; that is why I haven't written.
Your Janet Taylor has been here to-day; she seems quite A.1. for my sinister purposes. Understood needs at once, doesn't argue; doesn't blunder; too good to be true! I do thank you from my heart for finding her.
But I'm really in the dumps. Not even my ersatz for you; it's plain bloody.
No news; nothing to say. Miss T[aylor]. is bringing you some lemons; interpret that! It can go out walking with your "I don't want to see you till your new suit is ready"—words to that effect.
Must catch post now, or you won't get this till Monday. Will you, anyhow? and does it matter?
Probably I return Oct 16. Can't you find a day to help me keep alive till then?
Love is the law, lover under will.