Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa October 1944]
You anticipated me in the matter of Liber Aleph. How many times I copied that book I know not. Three different times for myself I remember—they were used, one by one, as the months went by. Oddly enough it was my choice of the whole lot on my arrival in Cefalu. When going to London, I made still another copy. Shirley [Ralph Shirley], of the Occult Review eventually got that copy, with the idea of later publication. He sold out; the buyer would not release the copy because Shirley had advanced £5 on acceptance of the Mss. Given to Shirley by Mudd [Norman Mudd], or Murray [Adam Murray], I do not remember which.
Were I to do it alone, I would put an outside limit of 4 weeks—with possibly 3 weeks to finish.