Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland





Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




die [Saturday]

[31 October 1944] [Started Saturday but completed on Tuesday, 31 October]



Très chèr amie,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your call revived the Will-to-Live; but I’m a sodden mass of nerves.


Tuesday. So much is that I lost this letter! Only found it this A.M. Yesterday a swine (I think) called from that Ministry of Supply, asked me to lunch, grilled me for hours, ended by confessing that sole object of his journey was to get evidence on which to prosecute me! And we talk of the Gestapo: Christ! He said they had had a complaint: some Bloomsbury swine again, I suppose.


I’m relying on you absolutely for Thursday; Miss Taylor meant to stay Wed. night, and work on; but I had to put her off as you were coming.


Would love some powdered choc: J.T. [Janet Taylor] don’t seem to find the right stuff.


That brute made me so accursed ill; can’t write a letter. Your long silence had scared me; I thought I must have done something to offend you, so I didn’t dare ring up, just went on guessing. Now do smile! I’m so unhappy without you.


Love etc.


Devotedly in rags,






