Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
9 Nov 44
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I will do my best to arrange for Tuesday night, and tell them what you say about the writing room. I have lots of news for you, some rather amusing. Her oarsman laboring with brown throat, if he is singing of her many a tender thing, which I rather doubt, is, or was, doing so in London. Joan took the Horoscope very well, admitted it was all quite true, but reproached me for not having mentioned that the great link between them was a passionate interest in books. Well, one does not expect to find things of that sort in a Horoscope. But I think we must persuade her to take decisive and immediate action. We don't want her father to stop he allowance, which he is likely to do if she insists on dillydallying and shilly shallying.
Here are one or two words for you.
5 letters: such corn is not ruthless. 8 letters: is a Pope really approaching? Salt would have doubled it. 2 words: 6 and 6—House where 101 strokes of the cat are frequent. 10 letters: German behind 50 up "country copulatives". 8 letters: Draw sword for Trinity on river bank. 9 letters: French cook breaks German eggs in mockery. 4 letters: small Welsh composer. 7 letters: like a bell. 6 letters: London City moves it to rapture. 6 letters: bucal ulvers offer encore. 8 letters: Chauvinism often is.
Love is the law, love under will
Yours, Aleister