Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant




The Bell Inn

Aston Clinton,




Dec 2. [1944]



Dear Mr. Grant


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law


Yours of Nov 28 &   duly to hand: thanks.


I am very glad that you are pleased with the book: you should find it a quite encyclopaedic Alphabet on which to base your Magical Thinking. It is best always to make cheques payable to me personally, and sent to the address where I am staying at the time. 93 [93 Jermyn Street] might fail to forward them. You write as if you had already the particulars of the O.T.O., but I do not remember sending them. It is a typescript of some 40 pages. If you have not got them, let me know, and I will send by return post. I can’t find a copy of my first letter to you, if I ever wrote one - memory plays me false at times. But I had intended to ask many questions: have you a horoscope, or will you send me the data? Are you a Freemason? Your circumstances, family, education, occupation, etc. I am not being inquisitive; but there are many things I must know if I am to advise you intelligently.


Love is the law, love under will


Yours sincerely 666.


P.S. re Lunch


Sunday is quite all right for me, but this is 4 miles from Aylesbury, and there are no buses on Sunday before 1. You can get a taxi, but I must know a day or so beforehand.


The Manchester Express (9.45 A.M. or near it) reaches Aylesbury about 11 after only 2 halts. 1st class carriages & all comforts. The slow trains are pre-Boer war, when not pre-Crimean!


Getting back is easier; Express passes at 6.5 P.M. or near it. Also later trains, though not so quick or so good.


You write, though, as if you have a car; if so, splendid; you keep N. of London.




