Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant




The Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




Dec 7 [1944]



Dear Mr. Grant


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for yours of Dec 4.


The particulars so far are most encouraging.


I am arranging with our local taxi to meet you; so on arrival ask for Baker. In my turn, I will mention your name, so as to avoid any smash & grab tactics.


I will keep the O.T.O. papers, and hand them to you on Sunday.


Do get your birth date accurate, especially the hour, if possible.


I don’t know how late the trains run; here they tell you a dozen different stories. Best to ask personally at the station when you get there.


Love is the law, love under will.


Till Sunday, then,




Aleister Crowley


