Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant




The Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




Dec 18 [1944]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Dec 13th. Delay in reply due to invasion: wave upon wave!


I was indeed sorry that our F[rater] H.A. [Hymenaeus Alpha - Grady McMurtry]. should have dropped on us so unexpectedly.


Do make up for it by coming out here again—any day from Saturday next will do, provided you telephone the day before.


1924. You could probably get the data by telephoning an Astrological Journal or some pro like Naylor. Mention my name. All you need is the position of the 9 planets and Caput Draconis at noon on the day of your birth. Jot them down, and forward. Show resource.


O.T.O. Eq[uino]x. III. l. printed as in N.Y. so I put in both currencies.


The AA is for personal initiation; O.T.O. is for groups, & not nearly as important. Never mind reading History; it is for you to write it. I hope your multigraph[1] papers will be ready before Jan 1.


Get all ready in your mind as to what you want to ask me; make notes; check off as I answer.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally yours




No Scarlet Button?[2]



1 - A copy of Liber II, 'The Manifesto of the O.T.O.'

2 - A mystery novel by Anthony Gilbert (Lucy Beatrice Malleson)


