Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Aleister Crowley




88 St. Andrews Road



Dec 18th '44




Dear Mr. Crowley,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am writing to let you know that I have managed to get a printer in Old Bond Street to undertake the necessary steps to have 'Aleister Explains Everything' [Magick Without Tears] repeated 100 times.


I shall probably be able to send it to you about Thursday, although when you will receive the parcel I do not know, as the Christmas Post is, as usual, very hectic. Anyhow the copies will be on their way, if all goes well.


Also, I have placed an order for 'The Scarlet Button'[1] and am merely awaiting the Publisher's reply as to its availability.


The 1924 Ephemeris has still not arrived. . . . one has to be endowed with a superabundance of patience these days!


With regard to my Sigil and the project of my having a ring formed therewith, can you advise me as to the materials that should be used. Being of predominantly lunar nature, I rather suspect that silver is the thing, but I want to be absolutely certain, so as to harmonize it as far as possible. Also, if stones should be included, which ones would you suggest?


In the event of this letter reaching you prior to Christmas I seize the opportunity of greeting you, and wishing you the very best of good fortune.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours sincerely,


Kenneth Grant



1 - A mystery novel by Anthony Gilbert (Lucy Beatrice Malleson)


