Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland
Aston Clinton Bucks
Dec 19 [1944]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
[illegible]! I have been very unhappy at your silence. Every day I rushed out in high hopes to meet the postman half a mile down the road; always I come back, candâ dejecta muttering dolefully Maũana! But you stayed serenely indifferent, Elausaha caelzod; and it was useless for me to say Ol sonuf [illegible] because I just didn't. Even the recollection [illegible] failed to revive me. I repeated my old mantra: [illegible] till I was dizzy; but neither peace nor power came to me.
You ask how I am. Well, [illegible], and by His favour, I am okeydoke if not too hunky dory. I have ants in my pants. Alas! if [illegible] is long past for me. I am nor more to be called [illegible] my [illegible] and [illegible] no longer glow as of yore. Oh well, [illegible], I suppose; [illegible]! Let the boca di inferno gape for me, as they once claimed it had.
I am glad indeed that matters took such a good turn for your sister and must bear your absence as best I can. As to the move, they had understood nothing. I had no answer to a dozen necessary queries. I am very cozy indeed here; still I admit the sea is calling. A man dropped from the blue last Monday week, said he had a perfect secretary for me, and 100 pupils or more. Could get me A.1. rooms. But—at Bournemouth—ugh! I nearly said [illegible]! Still, there's a chess club and [illegible] as well as [illegible] and I have asked him to try to make arrangements.
Why do you merely wish about those [illegible]? Why not do it. [illegible] brown-yellow, [illegible], could be it. I have got a chit from the [illegible] to go at last to Oxford in a tikka-[illegible]—so that's settled at last. I hope he'll be nice about the cut. It is so easy to [illegible]. I hate the journey, even by car: [illegible] song, and the minstrel is as [illegible] in that connection. May the [illegible] equilibrate my Yang and my Yin on Thursday; it would be too bad to get a Po or a Ku that morning!
I enclose copy of "Sekhet",
to peruse at your
Love is the law, lover under will.
Ever your devoted
Ever A.C.
P.S. Excuse me if I seem a little asynartete in my remarks!