Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow
Aston Clinton Bucks
Dec 26. [1944]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I hope your long silence has not been due to tiresome preoccupation with subluminary worries. The cause of mine is (α) work on A.E.E. [Alexander Explains Everything—this was eventually published as Magick Without Tears] (β) visits from all over the place, even including Germany!!
I have been giving long consideration to the wording of your "charter".
One night in Berlin I was at supper with a party which included a very famous actress. She was varying her pleasures by an occasional sniff of cocaine. A friend noticed this and crossed the room to give her an amiable warning. She fixed him with a glassy eye, and said very clearly, slowly, and emphatically: "Up my nose—or up my bottom—I shall put anything I like."
See? If I have power to authorize, I must also have power to prohibit. You might answer: "To hell with you and your authority! I shall put on any ceremony I bloody well please." In fact, this is just what you have been doing to some people!
So I think it best to put it in the form of a request. I enclose it. You will see that it is worded so as to allow of the widest possible interpretation, so as to cover practically anything you see fit to do.
A.E.E. I enclose a copy of the prospectus of these letters. Perhaps you might care to circularize your flock. I purposely put no name or address on it; if you like to take a hand, you can have 33 1/3%.
I hope for good news of you shortly.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet 33° 90° 97°