Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




The Bell Inn

Aston Clinton, Bucks.



January 10th, 1944 [this is misdated and should read 1945]



Care Frater


I am moving next week to:


c/o Vernon Symonds, Esq.,

Nether Wood

The Ridge

Hastings, Sussex


and will not be able to write till I get settled down at the other end, but please mail any letters there and mark them To Await Arrival.


I enclose the receipt which I forgot to give you when you were here.


With best wishes,


Yours fraternally,


Aleister Crowley



Hope you are keeping fit thru awful weather. Best wishes for New Year.


J.T. [Janet Taylor][1]



1—Crowley's secretary at the time.



Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry

1814th Ord S & M Co (Avn)

A.P.O. 149 c/o P.M. N.Y. N.Y.

U.S. Army


