Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley
Friedrich Lekve Hildesheim
To Sir Aleister Crowley
11 Jan 45
Most revered Master Therion,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
This is the fourth letter I am sending to you. The last one I despatched through Atlantis Bookshop near British Museum, but I don't know whether this shop is still existing at all and whether they will submit my message to you.
If this letter comes into your hands your reply would reach me by
122 Mil Gov Det, Sergt. Johnson, Hildescheim (Germany).
May be that you scarcely remember my last visit in London in 1938 and that I met you at that occasion several times. How right you were when you inquired at that time the Yi-King concerning the future of Nazism and got the reply "The weak beam". Germany's total disaster has confirmed your prognosis, the nation died and there are the survivors stumbling around without any idea of their future. A few of them will be wise enough to give up the idea of a nation at all and to accept the idea of Thelema. The present time for the German survivors is very hard indeed but it is just the right moment to start a new life, the life of Thelemites. This is the idea for which I am living.
You will have heard in the meantime that our poor Soror I.W.E. [Martha Küntzel] died on the 8 Dec 42. Until the last moment of her life I was with her. From political point of view there was a great difference between her and myself, as she being an old lady had not the practical experience to learn who the Nazis were whereas I was prosecuted enough to know what could be expected from Nazism.
But from the thelemic point of view we were during the long years of contact real friends and I was that friends of her except you to whom she had the deepest confidence and trust. So she was very anxious that I might take over her successorship and I had to swear into her dying hand that I might go on fighting for the idea of Thelema. And verily, so I did in spite of many dangerous conditions. In order to spare later difficulties Soror I.W.E. made out a testimonial concerning my successorship witnessed by a commissioner of oath. Nevertheless I shall obey your order if you prefer to pass the successorship into other hands. I do not recommend to choose two or more representatives of the Master Therion for this responsible task, for that would probably lead to troubles. We must avoid that there are several men claiming that their interpretation of the Law of Thelema is the correct one and that these various interpretations are contradictory.
In the comment to Liber AL you explained that the law will not be taught by lodges and orders and I bore indeed always an ill feeling towards lodges and orders. On the other side we see from history what strong orders as the Jesuit Order of Loyola can do for the enforcement of an idea.
So I choose my own way:
I have some knowledge of astrology and psychotherapeutics. You know C.G. Jung and perhaps you heard also something about the "Psychogene Training" of Prof. Dr. J.H. Schultz. This training is very similar to Yoga just adapted for the European. Moreover you know the "Exerzises of Loyola". Men and women coming to me for a horoscope are introduced in a certain training which I call the "Thelemic Exercises". At first they are taught that there exists that Higher Self, the Holy Guardian Angel, and that we can learn from the horoscope the individual way how to find the contact with that Higher Self and the knowledge of Him. Then they are taught that the Great Master Therion brought to the men and women the knowledge of Gods four looking-glasses from which we learn Gods own will and word pronounced through NUIT, HADIT, RA-HOOR-KHUIT and HOOR-PA-KRAAT, pronounced in that Holy Book of the Law of Thelema. Then they are adviced to look into the twelve pictures of God i.e. the twelve houses of the Thelemic horoscope, and these pictures are teaching the history of the first Beast, ANKH-F-N-KHONSU, and of the second Beast, the Master Therion, who both brought to the world the Equinox of the gods. First of all these twelve pictures are introducing in a very efficient system into the words and meaning of the Law of Thelema. And then they are accustomed to remain in a close contact with me so that I can advice them in Thelemic Life of all such men and women who accepted the Law of Thelema. These men now trained and willing to live practically and by their own true will are the SOCIETAS THELEMA, as I call them, i.e. they are no lodge or order but brothers and sisters connected by their spiritual conviction. I am under the impression that this SOCIETAS THELEMA will be or become the same link for the Aeon of Horus, as the SOCIETAS JESU was for the Aeon of the slain God.
I should be very glad to have your news about what your ideas are re the future work to be done for Thelema and re your future representative for Germany.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours very sincerely
Friedrich Lekve