Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
20 Jan 1945
Dear Louis
Drat that wretched female; she’s tied herself up in ‘nots’ again! (About 8 to 12 times now I guess). My P.S. should of course have read “not of hyperbole but of meiosis” instead of vice versa.
Interests me much—WHY? only glimmer of hypothesis so far: as a child she was passionately anxious to contradict parents or teachers and didn’t dare.
So her subconscious holds its fire and says; well, I’ll write the exact opposite of what is meant whenever I can do so without being found out until later—and too late.
You must agree that this is ingenious; but is it fantastic? Or by a 1/10000 chance, can it be the real explanation? This last gaffe is especially significant, as she asked me at the time what meiosis meant. Can you suggest an alternative?
Pleurisy nags—never above 100º—no pain—but goes on quietly. Temperature never normal. P.M. then up again A.M. The real A.C.—everything the wrong way, you’ll say! Well, I must stay put till the Temp stays on dot; shall then dash via B’sville [Buchmansville, i.e. Oxford] to Hastings.
Best of all to you—can’t answer your letter though; mind refuses concentration on any subj.
93 93/93
P.S. Don’t understand you about Volcabulamachy—I, support this name for the new game. In my Nuttalls 9 words come between waste and waster—and 7 columns! between waste and ____. I enclose a slip of my own (See p. 3) at the turn game Vocabulamachy. Some misunderstanding somewhere. This ____ is of course the perfect precia for the other.
I am making arrangements for the future. You are the natural man for my literary executor. The O.T.O. should be able to pay well. I have just found an ideal assistant [Kenneth Grant] lit. ex and starting to train him.
Will you accept finally? (I don’t know what the usual arrangements are.)
Yours Aleister 93/93/93