Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant
Aston Clinton, Bucks.
January 24th, 1945
Care Frater,
I got your letter this morning with great pleasure. Since I wrote yesterday the glimmer of light has become what appears to be a very steady spark, though the details are still very complicated. I cannot go by car, I have to go by ambulance and they won’t stop for half an hour on the way to let me do my business in Oxford. I do not quite know how they figure this out so that it is a saving of petrol. I am quite at the mercy of the ambulance as to when they can take me and this complicates things for me in another way which is really too awful to contemplate. Really all this business does work out to be a training in ingenuity if in nothing else.
Many thanks and congratulations and compliments on finding the Mohur. I should want to know, however, the measurements and the weight, also whether it is badly rubbed. It would really of course be the best for me to see it, but I don’t suppose they will send it to me on approval. But I must do the best I can from your description. It is only a matter of your dropping in next time you happen to be in the West End. Make sure in any case that they reserve it.
Yes, I knew the “Scarlet Button”[1] was being reprinted. I tried to get a copy within about three days of publication and it was already sold out. I wish they would do that with all my books. I don’t remember receiving the bills. If you would tell me what it was that you bought, I should be able to guess the price nearly enough.
That I think is all for this morning. It is quite possible that they may be able to fix me up next week so future letters had better be addressed to
c/o Vernon Symonds, Esq., The Ridge Hastings, Sussex
Yours etc.
Aleister Crowley
pp. J.T. [Janet Taylor][2]
P.S. Just had a telephone call—they may be able to fix me up in a much better way.
1—A mystery novel by Anthony Gilbert (Lucy Beatrice Malleson). 2—Crowley's secretary at the time.