Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Karl Germer




1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn)

APO 149 Z P(?) NY, NY

3 Feb. 1945




Dear Karl,


Having found a few moments must answer your letters of the 16th and 30th Dec. You need not feel that you have imposed on me in the slightest—I was happy to all I could for you—and I have ample repayment in the friendship of the people I contacted while procuring your papers. I am anxiously awaiting word that some of them have arrived because until then I will not consider the mission as having been completed. I sent them off two and three to a package with the hopes that, should the contents of one be held up, the others would still go through. A few of them are still awaiting wrapping paper. The Christmas parcel was well received—perhaps you have my note concerning it by now. Your war diaries were not among the papers I found—perhaps they are somewhere else. Our security prohibits the keeping of diaries so I can do little along that line. The Tao Teh King I referred to included both the English edition and two copies of your German translation. I am keeping a third copy of the translation—with your permission. If the Russian continues—and we are all “sweating out” the fall of Berlin—then even if your papers are held up for the duration said duration may not be long in ending. I am glad to hear that the Tarot was so successful—A.C. has so much good writing to get into print.


Yes, the Bulge had its effect on us—but then we are all fugitives from the PW dages—. I would like to tell you of my experiences but cannot for the present. I have written three poems which would probably give you a great deal of insight—however. “Normandie in June”, “In September”, and “Bitterness”. If you wish I can send you copies of them. They trace the general feeling of Americans to the impact of war—the reaction to the destruction of Normandy—the impetuous anger in the Autumn mud—and finally the growing bitterness of hate against the Germans. Because you see, Karl, the American soldier is coming to the conclusion that it is the German people who are maning [sic] the guns of the Wehrmacht—and that the only good German is a dead one. A typical conversation that one hears more and more is—“Come up to so&so and I’ll introduce you to a lot of good Germans”, “They must be dead ones”, “They are, and froze as stiff as boards.” But I needn’t lecture you on that. Of such is war. You need have no worries about its effect on my long term thinking. Perhaps it is for the best—one can then more comprehensively understand the spirit of Ra-Hoor-Khuit as expressed in Liber AL. And one must have many points of reference—the more extreme the more complete—to fully develop the powers of understanding. Jack [Jack Parsons] writes of good work being accomplished in California. Only wish I was there to help him. All good wished — to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer].


Yours ever,


