Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cordelia Sutherland
The Ridge Hastings
Feb 6 [1945]
My [illegible]! My life! My benediction!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The escape from Aston Clinton [Bell Inn] should be a model for all time of the techniques of evasion. That of Jim in "Huckleberry Finn" or anyone far in the rear.
Muddle—blunder—improving on my planes; these kept me prostrate for 8 days after arrival. Now all is well; I have even got my gold coin! That boy Grant [Kenneth Grant] is a [illegible]. Though even he can't get The Scarlet Button: Nothing more useful than to have a monkey man in one's team.
You always pretend a lofty detachment from such matters as Magick; but if this doesn't interest you—well, you're not [illegible]!
I have been worrying for the last day or so as to whether I might not have infringed one of these fool "Regulations". I asked the Yi [King] for "a message": I turn up [I Ching Hexagram] No. LX Kieh, which means "Regulations", and gives me, especially in lines 3 and 4, the very soundest warning and advice—just what a first-class counsel would have given me. All in the plainest terms; no strain of interpretation; might have been written on purpose on the spot.
Well—sorry to have bored you! Any hope of your coming to cheer me? J.[anet] T.[aylor] knows all the trains etc.
Love is the law, love under will.