Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant





The Ridge





Feb 9 [1945]

die i [Saturday]



CF [Care Frater]




Yours came this A.M. must have crossed mine, so thought needless to answer. But since then I have seen Vernon Symonds, and talked of you. I think he will jump with both feet, especially if you are content with little or no salary.


Being watery and Luna, the bulk of the help asked of you would be Washing-Up, the perfect preliminary Lustration in your initiation. V.S. [Vernon Symonds] did it himself for some months on end, so I imagine it’s tolerable; also, it would help you to realize that there are some who do nothing else from the first yell to the last rattle!


In any case, I suggest you take a day off—the best day is Friday, as V.S. doesn’t have to go to the theatre—and come down. You could call on Brookes and Savile, the best booksellers here, and ask about the other scheme.


Train 9.45 A.M. Victoria


Back 5.5 P.M.


On arrival go to the Memorial & take a bus; they know Netherwood, so ask them to stop there. If week-day n.g. [no good], could you come as my guest next week-end? If so, tell me quickly, so as to be sure that I can book a room.


The cottage, seen from outside, should suit on a long-term plan. At present it isn’t fixed up inside.


Let us think and act ιοξ ταχιοτα, p.d.q. Should Orson Welles accept one of my plays next month, all financial doubts & difficulties will vanish in a flash.


Incidentally, the initiate, while avoiding imprudence, ought always to leave it to the Gods to do Their stuff. Such a habit leads to the successful performance of the “Act of Truth”; the mastery of which may one day be vital at a crucial moment.


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Hoping to see you either 16th or 17-19th.,


Yours fly [Fraternally]




