Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





133 West 71st Street

New York, N. Y.





February 17, 1945



Dear Jane,




Yours of Feb. 14th hardly came as a surprise after your preceding letter. The more I see of it the more I am convinced of the serious test involved for all of you people. The hell! what does 'Brother' mean? Brother of what? If of the O.T.O. the 'Brother' has to abide strictly by the Constitution and the rules, and he has to show Holy Obedience to the appointed Head.


Of course, you know well enough that there have been other 'Brothers', who partly had risen higher than 132 [Wilfred T. Smith] and who fell subsequently. This is no black mark in a higher sense. Who knows but that certain experiences may not be vital for any particular incarnation? But if so is not the corresponding treatment by the Order just as vital? In fact vital to his avoiding a pitfall or a crash.


All this neglect to abiding by the clear injunctions of the Book of the Law will always lead to catastrophe. 'As Brothers fight ye!' applies not only to the Heads of the Order but also to the 'brother' that claims mild treatment. But it says again 'If he is a King thou canst not hurt him'. We are no sob sister family of softie old wimmin. The aim of Thelemites is Strength and Force and Joy.


I've been sending Aleister parcel regularly monthly. As you know Aleister's nature requires sugar. This being short can I appeal to help from the members of the West Coast? I don't know whether anybody has kept up sending A.C. parcels. If not, you know the type of products A.C. wants. I send him as a rule red caviar, chocolate, dates, figs, or dried fruit, sardines, and sugar. However, the one parcel I was allowed to mail every month, is not very much, and his health is not of the best. He hates any of the 'improved', scientific, artificial products. Please talk to the others about thus. Let this be all for to-day. Lots of love.


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