Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant
Feb 21 [1945]
C∴F∴ [Care Frater]
Am better, but it was a near thing this time!
Whatever happened to you? I could find only 1 page of the Corpse Story—stopped in mid-sentence (I’ve done the rest myself). Then Z.25 & Z.26 were to be taken to Miss [Janet] Taylor[1]; but you left them! (I’ve sent them by post). V.S. [Vernon Symonds] went sick too; so no news of Goulden or the rest. When I can move about the house, I will tackle the whole problem afresh. Probably I shall take the bit between my teeth, do a Light Cavalry operation, and fix all with a snap. So prepare for News!
93 93/93
Yrs fly [fraternally]
N.B. Do get an exact figure for the amount of outside support. An uncertain figure is no figure.
It might well be that we could arrange to start practically at once if I were able to guarantee to make up the deficit for say 3 months, even supposing you got no job at all. So you see why I must know how much I can depend on you for. 666
At 93 Jermyn St—to be brought as early as possible. Collect any convenient occasion. “Anglelight” Reading-lamp with jointed levers & red bell-shaped shade. Tea cup & saucer & silver spoon. Catullus—paper 8vo book in French & Latin: in shelves. 2 vols Rabelais trans by Urquhart and Motteux. Plain white pull-over, no arms or pockets. Smith’s Classical Dictionary (black 8vo).
Additional things I want from 93 Jermyn St. 1. Head of Martinique boy with cigarette & coloured scarf, (chalks) 2. Head of girl smiling impudently (1/4 face) chalks. 3. Totem pole on pier, woman with bird behind. (Pen & ink) 4. The Great White Barrier of the Antarctic. (Water colour) 5. Self portrait of 666 vermilion background. (Water colour) 6. Shaving mirror. 7. Big chessboard and men.
1—Crowley's secretary at the time.