Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Kenneth Grant




G.K. Grant Esq



Feb 22 [1945]



CF [Care Frater]




Dropped my pen twice more & now it’s nearly right!


Haven’t the courage to drop it on purpose!


Yours of 20th. Hope you have by now mine posted 8 A.M. 21st to 88, will have got data required, and have already answered it.


Urgent matter is your share of exes [expenses].


Your - - - - week-end.


“I told you butter wouldn’t agree with the works”


Alice in Wonderland


Am much better; was wholly to blame for the attack. Still confined to room.


Perique came 21st.


Please send a Raphael’s Ephemeris ‘34: don’t let Atlantis [Bookshop] know you know me.


One addition to Jermyn St [93 Jermyn Street] bag; large portfolio of drawings.


Yes; please write to Aintree for that CD.3. [Form concerning overseas mail]


Thanks for doing odd jobs.


I think that’s all.


93     93/93


Fly [Fraternally]




P.S. Keep in touch with J.T. [Janet Taylor].[1] She was promised a bottle of whisky early Feb by F & M [Fortnum & Mason]. She may want your help. A.C.



1—Crowley's secretary at the time.


