Correspondence from Jack Parsons to the Agape Lodge




23 February 1945



To all Members of Agape Lodge of the III° or Higher;




Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Until further notice, the following instructions are in effect.


1. Frater 132 [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has no relation to, and will have no contact with this lodge or any of its members.


2. The property of 1003 S. Orange Grove, from the North and South line which intersects the Tea House, to the furthest western boundary, is out of bounds to all members.


3. Frater Burlingame [Ray Burlingame] is charged with the duty of instructing the lower degrees in these matters, as it may become necessary.


4. Exceptions to these rules may only be made in writing by Frater Burlingame, when counter-signed by myself.


Be assured of my complete loyalty to the O.T.O. and its Heads in this and all other matters, and my declared intention of scrupulously following the instructions of our Grand Master Baphomet.


In view of your station in the O.T.O., I will expect the same loyalty and co-operation that you have shown in the past.


You will be informed in writing of any further instructions in this matter.


93     93/93.




John W. Parsons.


