Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
The Ridge Hastings
Feb 28. [1945]
Dear Louis,
It cheered me a whole lot in my last bout of not-quite-pneumonia to get yours of Feb 12.
In my haste to answer your previous effort I forgot to mention that I had ordered 4 salvos of 111 guns in your honour for your feat of gate-crashing. That's the stuff; these old pike really at heart enjoy being shaken out of their torpor—when it's done in the right way, and when you have something worth while. So "Up GIs and at 'em!" as [illegible] said at Waterloo.
Me, too, please teacher! I've fixed it for Grant [Kenneth Grant] to join the Colours next week.
[illegible] Janet [Janet Taylor][1], though, is very much on her way out—to Hospital—Probably a major operation.
Of course, at first, Grant will mean some extra expense; but his help will enable me to put various plans into action of the very practical kind. E.g. there ought to be a sort of "Crowley Society", like the Browning Society of 100 years ago, to work on my purely poetic side: monthly meetings, with readings, discussions, etc and build up all that part of the Cathedral.
Looking forward to your stay. [But, please, I do hate "old bean" and such.]
My first day out of my room—Very tired. So I cut off.
93 93/93.
Lots of love,
Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry O-1574983 1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn) A.P.O. 149 U.S. Army
1—Crowley's secretary at the time.