Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Sascha Germer
The Ridge Hastings
March 9 [1945]
My very dearest Sascha,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Umpteen thousand Ta Muchlys for the Parcel with New Year's Greetings which arrove at the beginning of this week.
I have been very much distressed by your other baby's accounts of the state of your innards. But you are near Spring now, and N.Y. ought to be reasonable kind to you, while your California plans mature.
I too have been having a far from satisfactory time this winter; in fact, I only just missed pneumonia, which would probably have finished me. Luckily, the doctor here is a most careful and painstaking man, and took no chances.
One great good thing, I have now got some one to look after me; do the future looks fairly bright. Only—damn this pen! I hope the other one comes back from hospital soon; penless, I am miserable! I can't write what I want, it makes me hate everything!
So—lots of love to you both!
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever yours devotedly,