Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith
c/o Karl Germer. 260 West 72nd Street. New York City
9 March 45
Dear Mr Smith
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Mr. Parsons [Jack Parsons] has forwarded a letter from you dated Jan 20, apparently intended for me. I have not been acting "on information received", but on your own actions. The gods had people ready and waiting for you to emerge from your "retirement". Instead, you continue the old plan of parasitism; you cling desperately to just those people who risk their own existence by admitting yours.
Thereby you have blocked the plans of the Gods who would have welcomed you to Their circle and looked after you in every way.
Beware lest They take active measures to prevent you from further attempts to destroy Their work in California.
Love is the law, love under Will.
(But also AL III.42)
Yours sincerely
Aleister Crowley.