Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe





The Ridge





March 16. [1945]



Beloved Estai,




Your most welcome letter of Feb 26 came just in time to stop me putting Interdict—and your history will tell you what that means—upon the Lodge.


Really, it is a little puzzling. Letters dated Feb 14 tell me that Jack [Jack Parsons] had flouted my instructions completely; now on Feb 23 he writes he is complying with them! I surmise that pars. 2 sqq. means that Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] is in some sort of quarantine—he can make a fine Yellow Flag out of his Yellow Streak!—in some part of the grounds of 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]. This for humanitarian reasons. I can't exactly forbid this; but the objection to it is that it will do no good to Smith. I had hoped so earnestly that the retirement would make something of him. But I'm afraid he's a dyed-in-the-wool parasite.


I'm moving heaven and earth and hell to get a [illegible] to M.K. but I can't move the Post Office. My Chaplain was once working for a bookseller who has an export licence, and we are trying through him.


So sorry you've been ill, but me too.


93     93/93.


Best love,




