Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
April 8, 1945
Dear Karl:
Have you met Ayn Rand, author of The Fountainhead? And have you read that book, over 700 pages? She was born in Russia, educated at University of Leningrad, and came here 1926. In this book she argues vehemently for Man: Man the Individual, and against any collective society, any kind of paternalism, which she calls slave society. She has her hero say, "The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrifice." I'm sending her copy of AL and Liber Oz. She is Mrs. Frank O'Connor and lives somewhere in the East Thirties, Hugh [Hugh Christopher] handed me the book, saying "She is one of us!"
Will you give me a definition of Ego? The dictionary leaves me cold. Functions of the Ego I can grasp, can I get a hold of the idea of "Ego"? It came up at 1003 [S. Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, California] a month or so ago, how Hugh asked if "Completeness of being in outward action" would cover it; Which in turn would seem to depend on definition of 'outward action'.
Beginning this year I gave Hugh my copy of Psychology of Jung by Jolande Jacobi. This book has revolutionized some of his concepts, thank heaven: Jewish, as well as "Metaphysical" to which he exposed himself for years. He is using a Tarot Trump each time he comes for discussion. I asked him to do this and accept it more for the ferment than knowledge. Later I shall start him on Liber Aleph, 2 or 3 sheets a lesson. I don't know about this word 'lesson'; he keeps me humping, and is delighted when he adds to my information, as he does—more perhaps than he realizes or I do myself. But I always let him know when I notice it at the time.
I was quite pleased with a recent dream by him. Picture of broken down and collapsing structures, images, etc.; then a re-grouping & new formation in most beautiful & brilliant coloring. He analysed this as his past ideas, teachings, etc., and the new structural work he is receiving through my agency.
His need is to step outside the family circle, a bond of steel when I first met him. The past 2 years have softened that bond enough to bend, and two weeks ago he finally tackled the situation—but where his wife is too well known and liked, and so the attempt was unsuccessful. However, getting that far is a big step for our Hugh.
I have not heard from Cooper since the death of Regina [Regina Kahl].
Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] has likely told you of my letter to him. So let me state the present picture. Jack [Jack Parsons] has recovered, and with that recovery Ed [Ed Forman] is back in the Order, and was present the Second Degree initiation last Friday, when Dick Canright, Barbara [Barbara Canright] and Paul Seckler officiated, with Jack as orator. Dick not only knew his lines, which was a relief, but he had Paul marching along with him. Barbara is always O.K. for whatever job she undertakes. She is now Secretary for these Degrees, and I am glad to be relieved. Barbara has the making of an excellent woman. Dick likes & responds to Ritual; his climb may be through that if at all. His Cal-Tech training will not permit him to admit things—as yet, at least. Ritual may nab him unawares.
Ray Burlingame. He really was pathetic as S[aladin]; no memory at all, and could not follow a script, losing his reading place, and had to be told. Jack did not memorize, true, but was not so bad because he has a quality I used to have, that is, taking a complete line at a single glance. Ray used to go on periodical binges of days or weeks duration, and this may have damaged the memory, for he is but fifty.
So you see the ship did not go on the rocks so god knows it may be be-calmed; and some one could snort "Hysteria!" at me. So I have jotted down an admonition not to jump at conclusions when 1003 begins to itch and squirm and called things funny names.
I am writing Aleister, but shall not post until I get together his second box from Wolfes, which I shall do this afternoon or tomorrow. Ray sent a box late in March, but forgot chocolate. I shall get a pound of that into my next carton. When that letter is written, I will forward you a copy, as well as a copy of what I write Ayn Rand, as I mentioned you in that letter. But there has been a lapse since my last to you, and the very nice letter you wrote in return, tat I think it well not to hold this up longer.
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With love,